Saturday, June 23, 2012

Where else then?

Patriotic Americans are getting few and far between. I  never thought I'd see the day when so many people have so much contempt for the nation they call home. It baffles me to think that baseless conspiracy theories and hard left rhetoric have demoralized the once great American spirit. It is one thing to to distrust the government, it is another to wholeheartedly believe that the system is irreparably rigged. I don't trust a smiling politician any farther than I can throw them. Distrusting government and it's capacity to do anything other than it's constitutionally required functions is healthy and keeps a check on those in power. On the other hand, there are many (many more than I ever would of thought) that hold the unquestionable belief that there is a secret society that decides our elections. There are many that believe that our military is being trained to roam our neighborhood streets and kick down our doors for immediate enslavement. I have met dozens of people who have said that they would rather live in any number of third world countries than the USA. Now I fully expect this kind of garbage to spew out of the mouths of nanny state Europeans and I obviously expect it from most muslims and latin tyrants. But to hear people I've grown up with, my neighbors, and good friends subscribe to the notion that America is inherently evil and serves no purpose in the world but to distribute misery makes me just want to start shouting. America has dealt it's fair share of misery on the world alright, but to our enemies. Just so you know, there are fanatical muslims right now teaming with desire to kill you and are making elaborate plans on how to pull it off. They don't give a shit how you feel or your political beliefs. They see no innocence in your children. They will just as soon cut their heads off and throw their bodies on top of yours. They see no difference in any of us.  But for the conspiracy theorists, none of that matters. Here's my pitch: If not here, where? Where in the world would you have more liberty? From time to time our liberties are assaulted, but they are almost always rectified. Think of it this way, The Supreme court's relatively recent second amendment cases decided that it is an individual right to firearms and that no state can deny anyone that right without due process of law. When I was born, it wasn't like that. It wasn't until I was nearly 30 years old that we had a reaffirmation of our second amendment rights. Basically, in respect to firearms, I'm freer now than I was as a child. Hear this: If there was a secret society that decides what the outcome of court cases, law, and elections will be, why in the world would they want us more heavily armed? Are they sadistic? Compassionate? I mean, if their intent is to enslave us it seems rather silly to have us all armed to the teeth awaiting the apocalypse don't you think? And how fucking retarded to you have to be to believe that a Soldier, Marine, Airman, or Sailor is going to renounce his oath to the constitution and come kick your door in?  Have you people ever met one of our service members? Apparently not. Here's a little dose of truth to break up your twilight zone. If shit got real and it came down to the Declaration's duty of overthrowing a tyrannical government that is at war with its people, which side do you really believe a Marine is going to be shooting at? If you don't have enough intelligence to answer that question, then you aren't worth the salt water that your useless existence is comprised of.  What is freedom to you? This is one of the very few countries left that the people can stand up and fight for their constitutional liberty when it comes under attack. And when it does, I fight alright. I don't just roll over with a thumb up my ass complaining that shit will never change and just give up. Too many of you have given up. Way too easily, I might add. Come hell or high water I will stand. While you bitch and moan I'll stand and shout. It is not my idealism that makes me what you call naive, it is reality. I've seen it happen more than once and know that as soon as the consent of the governed is lost, shit changes. If more of you whiny assholes got off the tit and treasured your liberty more than wealth, shit would change a lot faster. So if not here than where? Some country will always dominate. Us or them? Who do you want to be the strongest? Would you rather live as a slave to society to stay comfy and warm or would you rather die free? I'll take the latter any day of the week. If that makes me the last one, then so be it. I will never apologize for being an American. I'm rather proud of my country's contribution to mankind. If that makes you roll your eyes or sends you on some babbling rant about "wars for oil", then please do me a favor and fuck off. I'd rather talk to myself than with someone who hates this country. That is all.

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