Friday, March 23, 2012

Well isn't that cute? But it's wrong!!!

Been a minute guys, sorry about that. I'm just impatiently waiting on my new Canon 5D Mark III professional DSLR Camera to ship. Canon announced it March 2nd and vaguely said it would be released at the end of March so I thought I was golden when I placed my order on March 8th. Wrong. Apparently, there's a whole lot out their that have exponentially bigger erections over this camera than I do. Like the iPhone, there were literally over 10,000 pre orders on March 1st/2nd, starting with the very second the link went live on the B&H website. I've peeled through the forums and found that people who waited until 1:00 on March 2nd to pre order are still backordered. Ouch. That means that sometime in 2034, I should be receiving mine. I would cancel my pre order and try somewhere else but B&H has been good to me and I hate paying sales tax on shit that costs more than three grand. Which brings me to...

The great State of Georgia. Our wonderful legislators here in the Peach State have crafted a "tax overhaul" plan that will effectively end the freedom to buy goods online tax free which is absolute bullshit. No doubt Governor Stiffnuts will sign it and hand the pen to some self-righteous guardian of the missionary position we have running this place. Look, I'm all for making brick and mortar shops more competitive, but you sticky-handed fucks are taxing my income, my property, my vehicle, and everything I buy. I need a break already! And the only thing you ass-backward crooks could come up with was getting rid of the redundancy tax on automobiles? Hell, y'all have only been talking about "axing the tag tax" for two decades. Glad you finally picked your nuts up off the chair and did something. But did you really do anything for the better? No, you didn't. Now we have a "one-time titling fee." Oh you precious bureaucrats and your "fees." I can't wait to find out how much that's going to cost me. Then you pile on sales tax for internet orders. Great! You idiots have found another orifice to stick your tax cock in! Get a more ergonomic barrel to bend me over, fellas, my back is starting to hurt. Let's see, last year I paid $68.00 for my tag, including the redundancy tax. If your little "overhaul" would have taken effect earlier this month, I would of payed $210.00 in sales tax plus whatever your undisclosed "titling fee" is. Sounds like a deal! Did you actually have an Obama advisor with you when you decided to economically rape your citizens or did you all just masturbate to pictures of David Axelrod the night before to gather your chi? Here's a novel idea, if you're going to tax my income, don't tax my property or charge me sales tax. Or if you're going to tax my internet purchases along with local shops, then don't tax my property or income. I like the latter myself. You wouldn't hear me complain about an internet sales tax if you leeches weren't up to your nuts in my paycheck's asshole already. When is it going to be enough? My calculations have me working until late March to fund my share of the Federal Government and you assholes. Where is this money going? I'm sick and tired of working my hands to the bone and having an ever increasing portion of my income taken from me with nothing I can do to stop it. Whatever happened to limited government? Let's get back to the basics. This is not the America the founders envisioned.

After firing Comcast, I'm limited to local channels now which totally blows AIDS-ridden monkeys, but is still better than paying Comcast's astronomical fees. I can't watch the local news without them devoting a segment to that kid that got shot in Florida. Before I pass final judgement, I want to see ALL of the evidence in the case. There's no way a DA is not going to file charges against Zimmerman (the shooter) if, in fact, there was evidence of a murder unless he or she is a total fuck up. So here are my two pre judgement scenarios:

1. The media is correct in the assertion that Zimmerman pursued the suspect like he was some kind of real life Chuck Norris. He catches up with Trayvon, an altercation ensues, and Trayvon takes a bullet. If this is the case, then manslaughter charges should be filed against Zimmerman, not first degree murder like Al "the liar" Sharpton is advocating. If you carry a handgun and your perp is fleeing you DO NOT pursue him under any circumstances. It is known that Trayvon was trespassing on private property in a gated community that was posted. Not a death sentence though. He didn't make entry into any home. If this scenario is correct, then the Stand Your Ground statute that the media is getting their pussy wet over doesn't apply. Read that again. IT DOES NOT APPLY. He wasn't standing his ground, he was in pursuit. Charge him to the fullest extent of the law. If this scenario is accurate, Zimmerman just stuck a dildo in the second amendment for the rest of us.

on the other hand...

2. Zimmerman sees an unauthorized person canvassing his neighborhood in which he is known to be a volunteer community watchman. He notices the suspect is stopping and peering into homes. He tries to confront the suspect but the perp takes off running, he pursues to the perp from a distance to make sure that the suspect doesn't make entry into any of the homes (several robberies have been reported in the neighborhood recently). The suspect hides behind a house and surprises Zimmerman with an attack. An altercation ensues, and in defense of his person, Zimmerman fires a shot into Trayvon. If this scenario is accurate, then Al Sharpton, the media, and all of these worthless community organizers can all go suck a fat cock and deal with it. He did nothing wrong.

See, those are two very different scenarios and a perfect example of why most amongst us would be shitty jurors. You simply cannot pass judgement prematurely, regardless of how many Trayvon t-shirts and marches are going on. Let's hear ALL of the evidence and then try to make sense of it all. There are already community organizers here in Georgia wanting to abolish Georgia's rendition of the Stand Your Ground law. Hopefully, this push won't pick up steam, even if it's proven that Zimmerman was, in fact, at fault. Responsible gun owners don't have a bloodlust, contrary to what the media would have you believe. I, for one, have fervently avoided altercations since I began carrying a firearm several years ago. I will walk away from drunks, thugs, and tough guys trying to get shit started even if my pride takes a hit. They can call me a pussy, they can laugh and make snide gestures and I will do nothing but remove myself from the area and get out of the situation. But if said drunks, thugs, or tough guys decide that taunting isn't enough and they want to get physical with me or my company, shit will get real in a great big hurry. I have precision pistol skills and will venture to say that I am more accurate than your average police officer (I will put money on that if I have any challengers.) I never want to have to use my weapon, ever. I carry hollow-point ammunition, not for lethality, but to prevent over penetration. I think of every possible scenario and train regularly (without some stupid law compelling me to, mind you) Stand Your Ground is a fantastic law that protects citizens from undue prosecution for defending themselves. If Zimmerman is guilty, it is no reason to abolish the law because he wan't invoking it. Listen liberals, if you want to abolish Stand Your Ground , then here is my list of worthless garbage that I want abolished:

1. Department of Education
2. Department of Energy
3. EPA
4. Foreign Aid
5. Blue Laws
6. Statues of politicians
7. Mayonnaise
8. FCC
9. Cable Cronyism with government
10. Public displays of Justin Beiber
11. Adele
12. Seat-belt laws
13. Searches that don't have a judge's signature
14. New vehicles for police every other year
15. City police departments that have less than 50,000 citizens
16. The Democrat Party
17. The Georgia Republican Party (throw in Rick Santorum too)
18. Fad Diets
19. Tinted window laws
20. Fat bitches

1 comment:

  1. To make local businesses competitive with online retailers they should abolish sales tax for local businesses.

    Makes sense to me.
