Monday, October 29, 2012

The election is nigh, producers.

The peach state. That's Georgia's pet name amongst the fifty (or 57 according to our king.) I mean, I get that we grow peaches and shit, but other states produce way more. Why did we get stuck with such a faggy moniker?  Anywho, my tattooist reminded me that I'm long overdue to spew the raging filth that flows through my gray matter so here goes...

About a week to go before women married to the government go to the polls to reelect baby daddy. It's no secret that I'm not fond of our current occupier in chief, so I won't bore you with the litany of clusterfuckology that he has made a perfect science. Sane people already know how grossly unqualified someone is to be president who would fly to a political rally while our mission in Benghazi is under a terrorist attack. To the left in this country, he shits roses. At this point in the election cycle, anyone in support of the president is not going to change their minds. Their mental capacity forbids it. To the far right in this country, he is a spear-chucking Kenyan who eats live babies as a sacrifice to the prophet. They aren't doing Mitt Romney any favors for sure. I mean, there are a litany of executive abuses and good old fashioned failure from this administration to have a legitimate opposition. Instead Todd Akin and now Richard Mourdock have insisted on taking the heat off of our 16,000,000,000,000 debt, hostile takeover of the private health market, and our enormous loss of power worldwide to focus on religious zealotry. I've never made any bones about being pro choice. I never mention it often because I am immediately accosted by people who scream, spit, and liken me to being a baby killer. If that's how you're going to start your argument, then I will simply ignore you and move on. In any case, we now have these two dipshits putting bright red targets on the backs of the GOP ticket. Legitimate rape? Wow, Todd. Suppose it was your wife or daughter who was beaten half to death, had her panties ripped from her waist and had a stranger forcing himself inside of her. Would that constitute legitimate? And what about you Mourdock? If it was your wife or daughter that suffered such a heinous attack would the ensuing pregnancy really be part of God's plan? Would you insist that she carry the baby full term? Even if you did, do you really think women hear that and go, "Gee, that's exactly how I feel. I hope that I am sexually assaulted one day and Mourdock forces me to have a baby, yay!" Get real, fucktards. 

I supported Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich during the Republican primaries. Cain got the Chicago treatment from the machine and we all kind of knew that shit would go wrong for Gingrich. In the end Mitt Romney won the nomination. Funny thing too, in 2008 I voted for him in the primary. This time though the shit was too deep. I felt we needed someone with a no bullshit approach when confronting the king. I liked how Gingrich referred to the occupier as "The Food Stamp President" for two reasons. One, it's true. The numbers don't lie. More people than ever are on baby daddy's dole. It's a disgusting display of how far we have sank as a nation. A generation ago, men would be embarrassed that the government was feeding their family. Today, it ain't no thang. Two, it drives the left nuts. I've never seen so many hyperventilating welfare breeders in fear of actually having to take responsibility for feeding their litter. I've heard every excuse known to man, but there is one eternal truth that will never change. If a man is hungry enough, he will work. I understand how shitty the job market is right now, but everyday I see at least one or two places with a "Now Hiring" sign out. It might not be the job you want, but if you have any pride left in your soul, you'll stop mooching off of the productive members of society and start holding your own. I also understand that there are "real" disabled folks who simply do not have the capacity to work. We could feed every single one of them for a decade or more with half the money the occupier wasted on green energy "investments." The left seems to have a big problem with America being a superpower. It goes back to the mediocrity mentality that has them on the taxpayer's dole to begin with. "We're all the same", they'll say. Reality check time. We are not all the same. We are born with free will and live in a country that if you apply yourself, you can do something. Well, at least right now anyways. See, I'm far from rich, but I make three times what my father did when he was alive. Should I ever have any children and America doesn't become a total welfare state, then I hope they will make three times as much as I did. A lot of folks, or should I dare say almost half the folks in this country believe that they are entitled by birth to someone else's money. Make no mistake about it. Every welfare check you cash came from someone else's pocket. Someone dedicated a portion of their life so that you can fuck twenty different guys without a condom and when the little bundle of joy comes along, you get even more of my money for successfully reproducing. It really takes some gall for someone to contribute NOTHING to the federal tax burden and then get a refundable tax credit three times the size of what they actually paid.  And then It REALLY takes some gall to look at me in the eyes and say "I pay my taxes." Anyhow, back to Romney. He won, fair and square. And while he has a gigantic pile of shit to start shoveling on day one he is certainly more qualified to tend to the federal government's meddling in our economy. The feds never bring rewards to the marketplace, only burden. Read that last statement again and let it sink in. When tax exemptions favor or punish a certain industry, things certainly change. But never in the way the well meaning politicians meant for it to. You want to tax big oil? Fine, see how much more a gallon of gas will cost you then. See what little of the American oil industry remains as they pull up stakes and find a more favorable environment. Anytime libs get wet in their lady area over "sticking it to corporations", they are oblivious to the fact they are only taxing themselves. Want to eliminate coal power plants in lieu of nearly non existent green energy? Fine. Just make sure you use a soluble water based lubricant in your anus when you open your first green power bill. Of course, that is if you still have lights to see what you're doing.  Anywho, Romney isn't my first choice this time around but a fucking sock puppet could do a better job than the community organizer any day of the week.

Gary Johnson and Ron Paul. They both had it right to begin with. They ran in the Republican primary. Unfortunately for them, they both lost. But narcissism is incurable (I know because I am a narcissist.) Gary Johnson is now the Libertarian candidate. I don't think he's going to pull a Ross Perot on Romney though. He's polling in the three percent range or so. I guess he just wants to score a lifetime of book deals like the three LP candidates for president before him. Fair enough. His supporters seem genuine and aren't hard to talk to at all. But one does waste their vote when they check his box. Sure, you might feel invigorated and ready to start the next revolution when you walk out of the voting booth, but your actions don't amount to shit. I'm sorry, correction. Your actions don't amount to a microscopic pile of fly shit. Ron Paul is a good guy. He too tried, but lost. He didn't get the memo. Obama supporters get the Walking Dead moniker, but the obnoxious Ron Paul supporters come in a close second. To a Ron Paul supporter, the only reason he will lose is because of a media conspiracy. Hmm, that sounds like some grade A hash. It is what it is though and I disagree with friends that either one of these two will affect the election one way or another. All one has to do is talk to a Ron Paul supporter for five minutes to realize that even if the man was dead, he would still get their vote. So he's not "stealing" a vote from anybody.

To close, I think we've finally reached a point in this country where it truly means nothing to be called a racist. When accosted by a bed-wetting liberal about not voting for Obama. (Like it's a fucking yes/no question on the ballot), it ends with me being called a racist. After I offer a glass of water to said hyperventilating liberal, I state that it's really Obama's white half that I have an issue with so they can rest a bit easier. Romney has made great strides in the poles, but I still think we've already crossed the leech threshold, meaning that there are more people dependent on government than are actually paying for it. While scenes from Greece might take a while to get here, they're coming. The only difference is that Americans have the second amendment. Moochers' rock throwing will not be met with the "Please Calm Down" riot police. Which is fine. Knowing my luck, I'll die on the first fucking day. Just look at my Borderlands 2 stats. I'm a level 34 hunter with less than $100k because I can't quit paying Hyperion to reconfigure me. Now that I've doused your cranium with my closet nerd juices I'm going to watch some more DIY network. That channel has my undivided attention after buying a house. Peace and hair grease....

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