Friday, October 7, 2011

Capitalism, Herman Cain, and Douchery.

Facebook blew up this week with a quote from Presidential candidate, Herman Cain. "If you don't have a job and you aren't rich, blame yourself." Most of the smarmy, and oftentimes whiny, comments came from twenty somethings whom I suspect have a relatively useless college degree because they majored in something that made them "feel good." I have to admit, that at first glance, Herman's words seem harsh considering the economic climate of the country, but instead of having a reactionary bout of self urination over it, some of these folks could heed his advice. Furthermore, some of these people need a hard lesson in market based economics, mainly supply and demand and the cause/effect relationship of regulation and tax policy on businesses. First of all when people make references to "their job" or sending "our jobs" overseas, they are sadly mistaken and this marks the genesis of their misunderstanding of how things work. A job is "created" when an entrepreneur risks capital for the sake of getting a higher return for his investment, otherwise known as profit. He doesn't take that risk for the sake of giving you a job. The job he created does not belong to you. It belongs to him, the employer. Say that again and again until it sinks in. Remember that you don't have to work for someone else. If you think your degree in Women's Studies will generate wealth in our economy, hire yourself. There are literally hoards of idiots on Facebook who go to ridiculous lengths to rationalize their entitlement mentalities. One posed the question, "Should an out of work nurse who was laid off for lack of patients go out and start making people sick to get her job back?" Of course this is a loaded question in which the obvious answer is no. He was trying to rationalize the government taking some sort of action to ensure that no one is ever laid off, regardless of market demand. He then went on to say that he is too good to work a lesser paying job at Subway while he waits for gainful employment in his field. Chumps like that are the reason that even if the economy was in better shape we would still be headed to Hell in a hand basket. I wasted a year in college studying horticulture thinking I would come out making a good income without breaking a sweat. But reality set in as I quickly learned that illegal aliens were willing to do my "expert" job for minimum wage. So much for that. But I'm glad I learned it early and was able to move on. These kids need a fucking reality check and soon. These pampered white suburban babies crowd the streets of Manhattan to protest God knows what and have the gall to tell a self-made man raised in the segregated south that he doesn't understand their "plight." Cracker please.

Which brings me to all the hoopla with these new wave hippies and their silly little Occupy Wall Street "movement." I will not mince words. These trolls are hypocrites. You cannot possibly ask me to take your anti-capitalist mantras seriously when you're filming your useless buddies taking a shit on the American flag using an HD Sony Camcorder (Corporation) or your unshaven women folk holding their ridiculous posters (3M Corporation) written on with Sharpies (Corporation) then uploading them to your iPad (Corporation) that is using the wifi hotspot feature on your Droid (Corporation) that utilizes Verizon's (Corporation) LTE network. Or perhaps while the news media is giving your face time while you sip your bottled water (Corporation) and you take your GAP pullover (Corporation) off before you put your Coleman tent (Corporation) up and get in your sleeping bag (Made by a corporation) to sleep for the night. I want these vermin to start putting their money where their mouth is. If you hate capitalism so much, stop utilizing its fruits. Don't wear corporate clothing, make your own. Don't eat food made and distributed by corporations, grow/hunt/kill your own. Don't use automobiles, run through the plains and capture a wild horse and break him yourself, or walk if you prefer. Don't use social media, phones, or cameras. The FACT is that all of these things that you hypocrites are utilizing in your "protest" were made by corporations to make a profit. Period. It is not a crime to make a profit. Corporations are required to make as much profit as they can for their shareholders, you know people like your parents whose basement you live in. That's right, idiots, Mommy and Daddy's 401's and 501's are invested in the markets in which you're trying to destroy. Furthermore, have any of you cunts stopped to think about what capitalism has given us? We enjoy a very high standard of living in the United States because of people with ideas to sell. Even those whom we consider poor are pampered compared to most in the world. Air conditioning, electricity and lighting, refrigeration, automobiles, HDTV, Xbox, ready made clothing and hygiene supplies. Hell, even the shower in your bathroom would be considered a luxury to villager in Ethiopia (Which judging by some of the "ladies" in the televised protest, I doubt many know what that is). We have machines that wash and dry our clothes. Hell, we have a machine that washes our fucking dishes for crying out loud while some in the world drink from a mud pot made by the sweat of starving children. Generation by generation in America's short relative history has enjoyed a higher standard of living than the last. Is my generation going to completely fuck the next by being a bunch of lazy pussies who instead of working hard and creating, become leeches and consume from his fellow man? Have we become so intoxicated with entitlement that we no longer strive for something better? We have the greatest country in the world and our Republic is need of its citizens to stop feeling so entitled and start producing. Government cannot solve your problems. When it tries, it makes the problem exponentially worse (see the war on poverty, The Dodd-Frank act, Obamacare, etc..,) If not capitalism then what? It's not perfect, but I'd rather be free with risk, than poor with comfort.

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