Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Black Coffee, ISISsies, and a Circus.

Ted Cruz has officially thrown his hat into the Republican Presidential Primary. Yawn. I admire the Senator's patriotism and his dose of brash showmanship on the Senate floor, but he has a delivery problem like many other potential candidates. He comes of much like Ron Paul. Irritated, cynical, and slightly unhinged. While the substance of his arguments should define his aspirations, his oratory will not allow a majority of folks to look any deeper than the headlines of The New York Times. He's his own worst enemy. Game over, Senator. I rate his chances of winning less than 15% and that's being gracious. 

ISIS has published a "hit list" of American military personnel in an attempt to spur a lone wolf into trying to kill a few of them. These archaic bloodthirsty cockroaches seem to stop at nothing. However, while it isn't a laughing matter, I can't help but to think of little Mohammed trying to kick the door down of a Special Ops Operator in the middle of the night somewhere in Texas. That would be a Pay Per View I would totally be willing to buy. Apparently we, "The Great Satan" have not done enough to educate these vermin that raiding homes might work in the shithole part of the world they're in, but that dog won't hunt here stateside. You see, you cowards hide behind your masks and behead helpless victims in the name of your god all the while thinking that gives you some kind of strength that is untouchable. You try that shit here and we will evacuate your chest cavity. It's one thing to kill a unarmed lamb on a YouTube video. It's a whole 'nuther ballgame to target what is in all practical purposes a trained killer. Furthermore, the neighbors of these warriors you are idiotically targeting are armed to the teeth as well. So come on over and try it. I fucking dare you, pussies. 

In other news, you can't order a mocha latte at Starbucks anymore without getting sucked into an awkward conversation about race with a complete stranger. The white liberal guilt of the CEO was so overwhelming that he is now forcing his subordinates to "engage" customers on race issues. I mean, I can see it now. Little Jimmy was on his way to a lynching but a fresh vanilla frappe and a deep conversation about race changed his mind. Bullshit. I don't want to have a conversation on race with a barista. I just want a fucking coffee and my change. If you try to engage me in an unwanted conversation on race, then I'm letting the pig out. Try me:

Here's your latte, Mr. C. Let's talk about your white privilege. 

"Go fuck yourself. Puerto Ricans are lazy. 

Here's your Latte, Mr. C. Black lives matter. 

"I never said they didn't. How many fathers do your kids have?"

Here's your latte Mr. C. We Asians are only 6% of the U.S. Population. 

"And to be so good at math, you can't tell the difference between 8 and 16 ounces. I said Large, Chang!"

See, really bad idea.  

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